Yooka-Laylee's 64-Bit Mode is Yet Another Disappointment

Yooka-Laylee was funded on the promise of reviving a forgotten time. A time when games had a lot of collectables, memorable characters, fun music, imaginative worlds, and 64 bits to work with. The next update is attempting to bring one of those things to a modern age.

While I personally found Yooka-Laylee to be a boring, uninspired game, many would disagree. I'm not going to argue my point, but it's still worth noting. One thing it definitely had, however, was a good set of 3D models. The upcoming update plans to enable a "64 bit" mode. This, however, is another disappointment.

The trailer for the 64-Bit Tonic shows off how the game will look in the 64-bit mode. It primarily shows a CRT filter, the removal of lighting, and a decrease in texture quality. After such a long wait, I was hoping we'd see lower polygons, lower render distance, and maybe even a demake of the music. Instead the result is a game that looks like the graphical settings were turned down.

While I was disappointed by the game, I was still hoping we would end up with something that made me want to revisit it, if only to look at how the game could look on 20 year old hardware. If anything, I was hoping they wouldn't put a fake CRT filter on the screen so I could actually see the changes. Instead we get a blurry screen that almost prevents you from seeing any differences.

If you want to see why I wasn't a fan of Yooka-Laylee, click here.

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